We will be relocating in July 2014 to our new clinic. Many of you may know it as the old ETHAN ALLEN buliding.

Construction is underway and we expect it to be wonderful.

Clinic is Moving

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Qlink and your privacy

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This is pretty complicated, so please bear with me...

Any employees or family members insured through Tristar / HCA /Hendersonville Hospital have been forced into an insurance network called Q-Link.   Q-Link has approached primary care providers that are not owned by the hospital and demanded something that is very troubling... More

Testosterone supplements linked to increased heart attack risk in men

Thursday, February 6, 2014

More concerning issues with Testosterone supplement, or “Low T” as it’s been advertised.  We have been very conservative about testosterone supplementation and have cautioned patients against aggressive supplementation and Hormone clinics / Pellet therapy.  More

Medicare Updates

Thursday, November 28, 2013

We have received more questions about medicare recently.

We will again be taking two forms of Medicare in 2014.

We accept traditional Medicare ( with secondary coverage )


Dangerous Drugs

Monday, April 8, 2013

We have been getting a lot of concerned calls about medications no longer allowed while on Medicare.

A few drugs you may recognize include Ambien, Lunesta, most muscle relaxers ( Flexeril, Soma, Robaxin, Skelaxin), Estrogens... More

Sugar Comparisons

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Great web site shows how much sugar is in the foods you like to eat.  It always helps to see something this clear and visual to give you an idea what you are eating.  This doesn’t even go into how much worse the high fructose foods are, but it’s a start.

Some foods will really surprise you.  I highly recommend you browse the site and see if it doesn’t motivate some healthier choices.  


Music you may hear in the clinic

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Back in my college days an amazing guitarist would tour the University.  He played guitar in a very unique way with both hands on the neck, taping and pulling off.  He sounded like two of the best guitarists I’ve ever heard at the same time.  Each year he came back to play the University they would have to find larger venues.  More


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Insomnia is one of the most common complaints in primary care. It is characterized by difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep.  It can be associated with significant anxiety, depression and numerous physical complaints.  

Insomnia is defined by how long the symptoms have lasted ...


More Information on Bioidentical Hormones

Sunday, May 1, 2011

More links to information about “Bioidentical Hormone Replacements”.  I am still asked about these weekly.  For those with significant menopause symptoms there are hormone options, many which are “bioidentical” but you need to be aware of the significant risk that is known as well as more that is unknown and unproven.   It’s gambling with your health at this stage.  More

Vitamin D Levels

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to several disease states.  It has also been linked to memory decline in seniors as well.  

There is information linking Vitamin supplementation to help with Mold Allergies, Heart Disease, Stroke, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Asthma, Flu, Common Colds, Crohns, Colon Cancer, Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Common Colds, and more.  More

Interval Training

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tim suggested this article on Interval training.  It’s a wonderful way to get more benefit from your exercise.

I try to explain in clinic that just walking on a treadmill is ok, but it’s like setting cruise control on a car.  You get better gas mileage on the interstates with cruise control because you are not stopping and accelerating and you’ll save gas this way..  More

Just a few updates:  We'll be closed July 11-14th to move to our new location at 1047 Glenbrook Way.  We really think you'll LOVE our new location.  

Sign is on it's way soon ... More

Clinic Hours

Wednesday, June 30, 2014

We are up and ready at our new location!

Still some work to do, but already much nicer than the old location.

We really hope everyone enjoys the new clinic.

Mark Compton, PA-C will be starting in September and we're confident you'll love him as well.

More information soon...


Wednesday, June 30, 2014

This is an older post, but was brought to my attention and I had to repost it.  Disclaimer: Dave Barry Fan ( from February 2008) :

Today I read a very informative and motivational article about colonoscopy procedures.  It is probably the best description of the procedure I have found to date.  It’s written by a Pulitzer Prize winning humorist named Dave Barry and published in the Miami Herald, you can view the article here:

“Dave Barry:  A journey into my colon-- and yours”

If you are over 50 and have not had this test yet, please let us know.   Get your certificate here.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

UV cameras have been used to document sun damage for years but this is the first time I've seen a live action that compares so well.

This is a major motivation to avoid sun damage by using sunscreens, hats and sunglasses.  

Sun Damage

Monday, August 18, 2014

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.    ―  Paulo Coelho    

Whatever your weight loss goals may be,you are much more likely to succeed if you are publicly committed. Social pressure can produce significant results if done in a fun and light-hearted manner. No one likes social disapproval. Our best work is often done when all eyes are watching and keeping us honest... More...

To Lose Weight - Go Public

Saturday, October 18, 2014

By Mark Compton, PA-C

Added sugar in the diet is literally killing americans. A team of researchers went through 8,000 studies to find the facts, and they are not surprising.  Overconsumption of sugar leads to Heart Disease, Diabetes, Liver Disease and more.

Follow the link to SugarScience.org to learn so much more.

More good information:

USDA Dietary Guidelines

Watch out for Sugar, it's sneaky

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

By John Millspaugh, MD

Abuse of prescription drugs has become more than epidemic and is a major concern for everyone.  Odds are you know some or have someone in your family that has faced issues with opioid abuse.

The DEA is cracking down on the potential for abuse of prescription drugs by monitoring every prescription written and ... (click for more)

Opioid Abuse Issues

Friday, 27 February 2015

By John Millspaugh, MD

Frequently Asked Questions

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

By John Millspaugh, MD

Recent News Updates

Saturday, 29 August 2015

By John Millspaugh, MD

Benzodiazepines and Dementia

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

By John Millspaugh, MD

Thanksgiving is only one day a year, but moderation is still a good idea.  Click the link to see how many calories and how much sugar you'll find in typical Thanksgiving meals.  Be sure to scroll down to the bottom for Sweetened Condesnsed Milk!  Wow!

( Link to Sugar Stacks )

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, 16 November 2015

By John Millspaugh, MD

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays from all of us at Tennessee Family Medicine!  If you're near the clinic at night be sure to check out our decorations.  You'll get to see Santa's awesome dance moves and more.  Show runs on 7 minute loop all night.

We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday!

Merry Christmas

Saturday, 19 December 2015

By John Millspaugh, MD

There are many guidelines on safe management of conditions that require medications.  Normally the number of refills for a medication will be enough to last until a visit is necessary which may require laboratory testing.  Sometimes the number of refills is out of sync due to medication changes, benefits changes or mail order.  If you need refills we encourage requests through our Portal.  It's the fastest and most convenient method we have.


Monday, 22 February 2016

By John Millspaugh, MD

Poison Ivy is already making an impact in the clinic and here is a great explanation of how to deal with it.  This is a spot on, no hype demonstration of how to live around poison ivy but not fear it.  

If you still get it on you and don't wash well enough, we can still help.  

Poison Ivy

Monday, May 16, 2016

By John Millspaugh, MD

World travel is exciting but may require special medical attention.  There may be vaccines needed, malaria prevention, high altitude sickess risks, or other disease outbreaks that need attention.  We can provide a great many of these through our clinic but we do not carry all the possible vaccines you may need.  Some are expensive, controversial or not covered by insurance.  For more information please see our Travelers Handout. (Also available in Resources Tab)


Sunday, 3 October 2016

By John Millspaugh, MD

Sinus pain is a very common complaint in our area.  While common, it can be tricky to diagnose and treat.  We have to consider migraine headaches, tension headaches, neck disease, oral infections, and more.  Most sinusitis is caused by viruses, and occasionally bacteria, that will resolve on their own with no treatment.   Worse cases may need antibiotics, or even CT scans to evaluate reasons for chronic or difficult to manage infections, but only after symptoms or 7-10 days not responding to conservative care. ( more )


Thursday, 27 October 2016

By John Millspaugh, MD