Interval Training

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tim suggested this article on Interval training.  It’s a wonderful way to get more benefit from your exercise.

I try to explain in clinic that just walking on a treadmill is ok, but it’s like setting cruise control on a car.  You get better gas mileage on the interstates with cruise control because you are not stopping and accelerating and you’ll save gas this way.  Setting a speed on the treadmill works the same way.  If you are competing in  a marathon, this is great.  If you are trying to lose weight and build endurance, not as much.

If you vary your workout it’s more like city traffic.  You have to stop ( takes energy ) and then accelerate ( takes energy) and you’ll burn through your fuel faster, thus lower fuel economy.  Zumba and P90X and many other exercise programs work on this concept and are very successful.

If you’re trying to lose weight and get more workout for the time you have, go with Interval training.  All you have to do is run, walk, sprint, walk, climb, walk... etc.  It’s free outdoors.  Adding weight training only makes it better.

Read the article at the link for more information. Interval Training: Can it boost your calorie-burning power?